Farmers for Climate Solutions Release Recommendations for COVID-19 Recovery in Canadian Agriculture

Farmers for Climate Solutions, a Metcalf grantee, is quickly emerging as key farmer-led coalition focused on advancing climate solutions in agriculture. In response to the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, the organization has produced a set of recommendations for how farmers can play an important role in the context of a green recovery.

The organization’s new report, A better future starts on the farm: Recommendations for recovery from COVID-19 in Canadian agriculture, identifies five key priorities:

1) Encourage on-farm renewable energy generation, fuel switching and building retrofits. Farmers can help propel Canada toward a green energy transition. This investment supports new revenue generation and savings for farmers, and creates new rural green jobs.

2) Scale up agri-environmental incentives. Stimulate a transition toward lower-emission, highly resilient agriculture with more capital for farmers to adopt new approaches.

3) Invest in agri-environmental agrology services, especially through farmer-to-farmer training, demonstrations and mentorship. Spread climate resilient practices from field to field to field by empowering farmer leaders to be role models and teachers in their communities.

4) Adapt risk management programs to encourage risk-reducing practices. Adding bonus structures to risk management programs is an innovative way to offer savings and extra capital to farmers while building resilience.

5) Support young and new farmers. The future of our food and its ecological footprint depends on youth and new entrants. Encourage young and new farmers to enter and thrive in the sector.

Further details about the above five priorities and more can be found in the report.