Announcing a New Partnership on Convening

Over the past year, during consultations to inform our new 10-year Environment program strategy, we heard from a range of leaders about the need for timely and productive cross-sector convening to help advance conservation efforts in Canada. Whether to identify solutions to common challenges, help navigate complex dynamics, or build much-needed connections across different perspectives, sectors, and regions, we were encouraged to play a leadership role in creating these opportunities.  

Convening will be a core part of our new 10-year Environment program strategy, and to that end, we are delighted to announce our new partnership with Barb Sweazey, who will be supporting our team’s expanded convening efforts.  

Barb is a widely respected convenor and facilitator with a long track-record of leading and supporting important gatherings in the conservation space, including with federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments, industry representatives, and NGO leaders. She brings over 25 years of experience to the table and shares our desire to use convening to achieve greater cross-sector collaboration on conservation.  

With Barb’s support, we aim to set a high bar for productive convenings, where participants leave enriched and energized, with clarity about what is possible and how to achieve it.  

We will be doing meaningful groundwork before gathering, approaching each meeting with clear and productive intention. In all cases, there will be a solid rationale and understanding around why we are convening, and what participants are individually and collectively contributing and hoping to get out of it. One of our aims is to create opportunities for leaders to connect for open and constructive exchanges, while not feeling restricted by particular organizational or government agendas. 

These times call for a commitment to creative and productive engagement. We look forward to partnering with Barb and leaders from across a range of sectors to advance conservation efforts through timely and strategic convening.